In “The Spectral Jew”, Steven
Kruger explores the role of Jews in English literature and why they continue to
appear even after their expulsion from England in 1290. In medieval English
literature the Jews had a role to play in the consolidation of Christian
identity and the support of Christian hegemony. This is accomplished by
creating a binary relationship; there is Christianity, and there is the
“other”. In the online community, on image boards particularly, there is again
this use of the “other” for a similar purpose.
Image boards are a type of online
forum in which anonymous discussion is held through messages posted with
attached images.
It’s the equivalent of an electronic bulletin
board, with users carrying out discussions by “posting” new material to it.
Originating in Japan, these boards tend to be heavily
influenced by Japanese culture, but have taken on a variety of other cultural
perspectives. Particularly unique is the development of contained subcultures,
which exist only online in particular subsections of image boards.
Image boards borrow heavily from
one another, and all possess the same system of subsections, which delineate
where particular subjects of discussion are to be held. There has been an
emerging trend in which image board subsections that focus on politics and news
related subject matter have been heavily mixed with racist content and
discussion. The anonymous communication system of image boards has been
notorious for creating intentionally offensive content purely for the purpose
of causing upset (trolling). The content is often horrifying to the target
audience, but members of these
communities find it amusing because they know it has no basis in true belief on
the side of its creators.
However, in the politically focused
subsections on these sites is a strange dialogue between people who pretend to
be racist for the purpose of amusement and genuine members of white nationalist
websites. The result is a bizarre discussion of political and racist subject
matter that is a mixture of the fraudulent and the genuine. Though the racism
extends to many different peoples, the overwhelming focus in is anti-Semitism. The
discussions, whether they are broadly political or focused on particular news
stories, have an anti-Semitic charge.
As in medieval English literature,
Jews function here as the “other”. Their otherness is used to consolidate
identity by defining what is not a part of that identity. In medieval
literature there is Christianity and there is the “other”. On these image
boards, there is the white race/white community and there is the “other”. Though the antisemitic content is usually posted in an off hand manner or in a context of humor, there are instances in which it can be extremely aggressive and at times even macabre.
Though the Jews most frequently function as the "other" in these communities, they are not the only race suffering horrible slander. The ethos of these image boards is adapted to contextualize current events in a manner that promotes white power by subverting nonwhite peoples. A current event that has been used in this manner is the outbreak of ebola in western Africa. Ebola has been anthropomorphized as young girl, in the style of an anime character; she has been dubbed "ebola-chan" (chan is a Japanese suffix used to describe a young person or a child and has a connotation of cuteness). People will create posts attached to pictures of her with comments directed at character of ebola-chan herself: "We love you ebola-chan, destroy them all!", "Good luck ebola-chan", "Keep up the good work!", etc. The death of nonwhites in Africa is a strengthening of the white race; the subversion of the "other" strengths the white community and the character of ebola-chan is its icon of this process. Though the context may have changed, the use of the "other" has continued.